Fish in July – Fukuoka Market

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MEICHIADAI – Gray Large-eye bream
MEICHIADAI – Gray Large-eye bream

MEICHIADAI – Gray Large-eye bream  –  Kyushu

Meichidai is not a widely known fish in the seafood market, but it is one of the best fish during the summer season. Many white meat fishes, such as Madai, have less fat content in the summer, and this lowers its quality of taste. However, for Meichidai, summer is when it has the most fat and tastes the best. Meichidai is a rare fish on the market, but when it is available, we use the “Asajime” method the same morning and ship it.




TOBIUO – Flyingfish
TOBIUO – Flyingfish

TOBIUO – Flyingfish   –   Kouchi / Kagoshima

Tobiuo is in season. The market price of this fish is reasonable all year long. Tobiuo sashimi is very delicious. Other recommended cooking methods for this fish is to eat it as dried fish or as “Namerou” (a type of “tataki”)

トビウオが美味しい季節です。手頃な価格で買える魚です。 刺身にしても十分に美味しく、その他干物などにも良く使われます。なめろうなどにしても美味しさを味わえます。



AJI “IZUMI/GENCHAN” – Horse mackerel


AJI - Izumi Horse mackerel

AJI – Izumi Horse mackerel  – Kagoshima / Genkainada

There are the migratory black horse mackerel and the basin-dwelling yellow horse mackerel. The “Genchan Aji” are black horse mackerel, and the “Izumi Aji” are yellow horse mackerel that stay in coastal bays. Please use either kind of mackerel to suit your preference.

アジは回遊型の黒アジ、内湾型の黄アジがありますが、玄ちゃんアジは黒アジ、出水アジは瀬 付きの黄アジです。好みに合わせて2種類のアジをお使いください。



AWABI – Abalone
Awabi - Abalone

Awabi – Abalone – Nagasaki

In the Chikuzen-sea, there are three subspecies for Awabi, but the Awabi most harvested out of those three is the Kuro-Awabi. (Saga, Nagasaki and Fukuoka: large size of 300g and up).

アワビの仲間は筑前海に3種類いますが、最も獲れているのはクロアワビです。500g以上の大型は高値で取引されます。佐賀、長崎、福岡 300グラムアップの大型です。



MAHATA – Grouper
MAHATA - Grouper

MAHATA – Grouper – Nagasaki / Genkainada

Many types of grouper can be enjoyed in Kyushu. Sevenband grouper (Mahata) is the most recommended for this season. Although it is a fish that is not well-distributed among other markets, it is often found in the markets of Fukuoka. The firm texture of the fish is delectable enjoyed as thin-slices.




YAZU / INADA– Young Yellowtail
INADA - Young Yellowtail

INADA – Young Yellowtail  – Saga / Nagasaki / Fukuoka

Yazu is a “Shusseuo” name of young yellowtail in Fukuoka area market. It has less fatty meat compare to Buri. It has elegant sweetness and satisfying texture.




HIRAMASA – Yellowtail Amberjack
HIRAMASA - Yellowtail Amberjack

HIRAMASA – Yellowtail Amberjack   – Fukuoka

This fish doesn’t have as much fat as Buri, but has more fat and “umami” content compared to Kanpachi.




OUGON ANAGO – Conger Eel
ANAGO - Conger eel

ANAGO – Conger eel  –  Nagasaki / Fukuoka

Anago that is raised on the western offshore of Tsushima with abundant, high quality food, has a larger body than the common anago with better fat content as well. It really is the golden anago like its name says.




KAWAHAGI – File Fish
KAWAHAGI - File fish

KAWAHAGI – File fish  – Nagasaki / Genkainada

Kawahagi and umazurahagi (horse-faced filefish, or “membo” in the local dialect) are available. The name “kawahagi” comes from “cooking with the skin.” Umazurahagi catches have been increasing in recent years, and this fish is used to produce dried fish. This fish can be enjoyed as sashimi or simmered in a soy broth. It can also be cooked in a clay pot. Kawahagi’s liver is also prized as a rich-tast­ing delicacy.

筑前海ではカワハギと、顔が長いウマヅラハギ(方言:メンボ)が獲れます。カワハギの名は「皮をはいで調理する」ところからきています。  近年、ウマヅラハギの漁獲が増えており、干物の加工原料になります。身は刺身・煮つけにして美味しく、なべ物などにもします。  またキモ(肝臓)はその濃厚な味わいが珍重されています。



KISU – Smelt/whitings
KISU – Smelt/whitings

KISU – Smelt/whitings   –  Genkainada

Kisu, which migrate toward towards the shore to lay their eggs, are allowed be caught beginning in May, and from that time you can see lots of fresh fish of this species in stores. Kisu prefers the clean sands at the bottom of the ocean. The beautiful waters around Shiga Island abound with high-qual­ity kisu. To maintain the freshness of this fish, fisher­man learn the technique of releasing the hook from the fish without touching it.




SUZUKI – Japanese Sea Bass
SUZUKI – Japanese Sea Bass

SUZUKI – Japanese Sea Bass  –  Kyushu

In the Japan fish market, when this fish is compared to Madai (sea-bream), the name value is lower but the taste is just as good. Roasting with some skin left on enhances the delicious taste.




ISHIDAI – Striped Beakfish
ISHIDAI – Striped Beakfish

ISHIDAI – Striped Beakfish    –  Kyushu

Thinly sliced striped beakfish is translucent with a firm texture, an ever-delicate sweetness, and an “Umami” flavor. It has a much richer flavor than Japanese sea bass and flathead, the most notorious of summer fish. Ways to enjoy this fish include: “Arai” style slices, simmered fish, steaming, salt-grilling, meuniere, and “Ushiojiru”salt broth. Also good is to remove the skin, boil and make thin slices with a garnish of julienned ginger and scallions with lemon juice, or wrapping them on bamboo skewer and grilling until crisp, seared with soy sauce or salt and lemon juice.




ISAKI – Japanese Grunt fish
ISAKI – Japanese Grunt fish

ISAKI – Japanese Grunt fish   – Kyushu

The best season for Isaki comes around early summer, which is when Isaki ride the Tsushima current through the offshore area of Iki Island and arrive at the Chikuzen Sea to lay eggs.
Isaki travel in flocks, and these flocks are often seen in places like artificial reefs. It is a white meat fish with a unique flavor and the perfect amount of fat, which can be enjoyed especially with the large-sized Isakis.

イサキは産卵のため、対馬暖流に乗って壱岐沖を通り、旬を迎える初夏頃に筑前海にやってきます。 特に餌の豊富な大島産のイサキは脂ののりが特別で必見のイサキです。漁場となっています。



AORI-IKA – Cuttlefish
AORI-IKA – Cuttlefish

AORI-IKA – Bigfin reef squid  –  Kyushu

Aoriika is known as the king of squids, and its sashimi is considered to be of the finest quality in the squid family. Its flesh is rich in sweetness and is very soft but also has a good amount of strength in texture. It is a very popular and crucial item used in Edomae style sushi and tempura.




OUGON HAMO – Pike Conger
Hamo - Pike conger

Hamo – Pike conger  – Nagasaki

Many rivers flow into the Shiranui Sea of Amakusa where pike eel, growing in a location with ample food thanks to the freshwater, are called golden pike eel and have excellent marbling. Fished by long-line, pike eel here is known for quality far-exceeding the rest of the nation.




SAZAE – Turbo cornutus
SAZAE – Turbo cornutus

SAZAE – Turbo cornutus  –  Kyushu

Although turban shells have horns, those caught in the calm-waters of the inland sea have smaller one or have none at all, while those from the open seas have larger horns.
In Fukuoka Prefecture, research is being conducted on mass-producing farm-raised spat in order to increase resources. Although shell-grilling is the most common way of enjoying turban shells, they can also be enjoyed as sashimi or marinated in vinegar.





MAGOCHI – Flathead


MAGOCHI – Flathead

MAGOCHI – Flathead   –  Kyushu

This is a high-quality fish that is typically avail­able in the summer months. Magochi is sliced thinly as “tessanami” sashimi and is esteemed for having a fine flavor rivals blowfish (fugu). Mago­chi is perfect for tempura and hotpot.




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